Naela Molkot

Nomadic Eorzean Chef

Naela has spent the last few years as a nomadic chef. Always on the hunt for new patrons and new kitchens to work in. The Miq'ote following her wanderlust, always finds herself lost in forests and mountains; the chef had a knack for cooking and baking not reading a map. Constantly on the hunt for new ingredients, Naela heard of an area in Mor Dhona that grew a rather delicious rolanberry. Packing her bags and reading her trusty chocobo, Moonbeak, she headed out from the Ul'dah to enjoy the cooler weather of Mor Dhona. Upon her travels she caught wind of a village, nestled in the forest that some are able to find peace. Hoping to find some quiet, she sets out to hopefully find a place to set her roots.

The Basics
Name: Naela Molkot
In-Game Address: None
Aliases: Nae
Age: 34
Race/Clan: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single

Profession: Culinarian - Baker
Hobbies: Hiking, gathering and cataloguing rare ingredients, socializing, caring for Moonbeak
Languages: Eorzean
Residence: Nomadic
Birthplace: South of Tranquil, South Shroud
Religion: Follower of Twelve
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: Starvation

Naela Molkot grew up happily in the South Shroud, surrounded by family. Living in the edges of Rootslake, her family ran a small tavern to cater to travelers and clan. Here is where she first tried her first mutton stew, first flaky crust of a eel pie. Her passion for food and the joy it brings to people blossomed here, and was cultivated by her mother. Her childhood was nothing to really note besides Naela continued to grow her skill in the kitchen.Her mother, Amh, noted Naela's passion in the kitchen. Biting back her own wishes of Naela staying, Amh sent her to a friend's tavern to grow. Naela traveled to Lominsa to train with at age 17, studying and working with Petyr Cook, the aspiring chef learned quickly. The Miqo'te spent her formative years in the Eastern Noscea, enjoying the coastline. Naela improved her knife skills and knack of finding ingredients. Petyr felt like she learned everything she could after a few years. Reaching out to a baker in Ul'dah, he sent her to the arid desert, where she became a baker for Silent Doe, a Roegadyn baker who was contracted by the Immortal Flames Kitchens.Naela grew in her skill and into her own here, enduring the immense oven heat. After her training was completed, Silent Doe offered a permanent position as junior baker. Her heart bursting with joy, she agreed and settled into the city. The next few years became a blur of hectic work and culinary experimentation. In the haze of work, Naela encountered a charming enlisted archer. A constant visitor to the kitchens, at first to steal an extra pie for a mission, to get lunch, to pick up a higher up's order. It became clear after so long that the archer was looking for any excuse to talk to the Miqo'te baker.Through charm and conversation, Naela fell for the archer. After a brief stint of courtship, Naela was engaged to Kikido Yorido. With the onslaught of the Garleans and constant battles, the couple had to constantly put off the wedding. Two years later, Kikido was sent to the Battle of Carteneau. Kikido as an archer in the legions, Naela felt unwilling to let her fiancé go alone. After he received his orders, Naela volunteered in a Ul'dah effort to support their troops and traveled to Carteneau with fellow tradesmen. It became appart that things may not turn out for the best when the couple arrived. The eve before battle, they found a commanding officer to bless them in matrimony, no matter what happened, they at least had that night under the stars.Naela's memory gets dim around that battle. She remembers after, coming to reality of what came to pass. To grief and destruction of what she held close. Returning back to her family in Gridania, Naela found herself restless at home. Always feeling the urge to move, to never stay still. The baker only managed to work at her family's tavern for a few years. The wounds of her previous life mixed with watching her siblings marry, have children, enjoy their life, was too much for her. Naela felt that she was burden to her family by her grief and slow emotional healing. It was then, she decided to leave. Naela became nomadic, her only companion was her chocobo, Moonbeak. She traveled across Eorzea since leaving her family. With the freedom of wandering, Naela decided to trek across most of Eorzea, to compile a resource on culinary ingredients in Eorzea. Taking odd jobs in kitchens and guilds for gathering ingredients whenever she could. The uneasiness that gripped her body lessened, the wounds scabbed and scarred over now. Just a reminder of what once was and no longer occupying her mind entirely.The Miqo'te followed her wanderlust, often found herself lost in forests and mountains; the chef had a knack for cooking and baking not reading a map. Constantly on the hunt for new ingredients, Naela heard of an area in Mor Dhona that grew a rather delicious rolanberry from a botanist that she worked with. It was described in an area where there was a fantastic tavern nestled in the forest. Packing her bags and readying her trusty chocobo, she headed out from the Ul'dah to enjoy the cooler weather of Mor Dhona. Hoping to find some quiet, Naela sets out to to find the Broadleaf Tavern.